Pudasjärvi School Campus - Wood School

Wooden School Campus for 800 Students, Pudasjärvi, Finland


The city of Pudasjärvi in Finland had problems with old school buildings that were suffering from sick-building syndrome and unhealthy indoor air. As a result, in 2013 the decision was made to invest in a healthy and ecological wooden school campus. The architect company Lukkaroinen Architects, in Oulu, took up the challenge and planned a new school campus for 800 students. The result is an inspiring and creative learning environment for both children and teachers.

In total, the campus comprises four buildings for different ages, and the different buildings are connected with glass corridors. The entrance hall and canteen have high glass walls to maximize the amount northern daylight that shines into the building. And the classrooms have a nice contrast of natural wooden surfaces and brightly coloured floors.

The Finnish education system is renowned around the world and this log school campus has also generated a lot of interest from international visitors for its excellent natural learning environment. If you are interested in visiting the world’s largest log school campus, here in Northern Finland, please contact the Kontio factory team.

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