Kontio Contributes to the Success Story of Monio, Tuusula’s Multipurpose Building

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Monio is a multi-functional space being developed by the municipality of Tuusula. The building complex will be the home of the upper secondary school, two adult education centres and the facilities for basic education in the arts. The design expertise and logs for this extensive educational institution project will be supplied by Kontio. Lujatalo will be in charge of construction. The contract amount of the project is approximately EUR 22 million.


Monio’s opening week was celebrated in October 2023, and shortly thereafter, the building won the 2023 Wood Award on November 2nd during the Wood Day event. The jury noted the following about Monio:

"The architectural quality and appeal of Monio are material-driven. The use of non-settling logs as a new type of massive wood element creates a new kind of wooden architecture, down to the details of log joints of various scales."

A distinctive feature of the ambitious project, characterized by high-quality architecture, is the hybrid frame and the use of logs as the wall structure, which is the building’s most prominent element. The load-bearing frame consists of concrete elements, glued laminated timber columns, steel beams, and wooden CLT slabs. Around the hybrid frame, non-settling SmartLog logs have been installed as the wall structure.

“We have done a significant amount of groundwork and contributed our expertise to the project for several different parties. This project is a giant in the log construction industry, and working with the professionals at Lujatalo was a fantastic opportunity for us to bring all our skills to benefit the residents of Tuusula,” said Hanna Haipus, Director of B&B Business at Kontio.

“Monio serves as a versatile center for education, culture, knowledge, and performance, as well as a meeting place. It combines a new learning environment for multiple user groups with a cultural center that serves all residents. The aim of centralizing services in one location is to improve the quality and accessibility of services, enhance Tuusula’s attractiveness as a cultural municipality, and increase space utilization efficiency. In Tuusula’s service network, Monio initiates the modernization of learning environments,” says Mikko Simpanen, Facility Services Manager at Tuusula's Facility Services.

Monio Multipurpose Building, Tuusula

  • Architectural Design: AOR Architects
  • Structural Design: A-Insinöörit Suunnittelu Oy
  • Contractor: Lujatalo Oy
  • Log Supplier: Kontiotuote Oy

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